Profix Proud to Support ‘Building Our Skills’ Industry Initiative

A lack of skills and labour shortages has been a hot topic in the construction industry for a while now and many in the window and door sector are talking about the knock-on consequences for our sector as well as on individual businesses.

The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors published the results of a survey late last year showing how the problem has been gradually worsening for the last five years. The report garnered national coverage in the Telegraph newspaper, bringing the issue to the fore as a major concern for both the industry and the wider economy.

But what is being done about the problem?

Some companies have committed to do their bit to help change the employment landscape by introducing or increasing apprenticeships in their businesses, but there has been no collective scheme within the Fenestration and Glazing industry. Until now.

On the 1st June, our industry Awarding Body GQA Qualifications announced its backing of an industry-wide campaign – ‘Building Our Skills’ – in the Fenestration industry. As you would expect with our own commitment to consistently improving industry standards, The Profix Group is proud to support the initiative.

The campaign will take the skills shortage issue to schools, colleges, teachers and parents, to promote the variety of career paths our unique industry has to offer.

Recognise and develop skills

Mick Clayton is CEO of GQA Qualifications, the lead promoter of the campaign. This is what he had to say on the initiative: “The quest to recognise and develop skills within the industry has been high on the agenda of GQA for a very long time.  The industry is increasingly reporting the difficulties it has recruiting new young people, our focus has turned to creating a campaign to address the problem directly.

“We have developed Building Our Skills in the Fenestration industry. It’s an initiative for the whole industry to join in and support, providing a platform to promote Fenestration with a collective voice and accelerate the process of raising its profile to new entrants as a credible and exciting career choice.”

A better future

The Profix Group’s MD Alan Sadler is especially keen to promote our industry to new joiners: “On a personal note, I have always tried to share the great experiences I have benefitted from by being a part of the Fenestration Industry, and in doing so, I hope it will inspire others to join us. I encourage all members of The Profix Group and indeed the industry, to do the same. Don’t just talk about the issue, get involved and show your support for a better future for our industry.”

You can find out more about this important scheme here

For more information about career opportunities at The Profix Group, please contact Alan Sadler on 01827 63351.